Exploring the Enduring Appeal of Witches in Literature

Published 23 Mar 2023
by Anca Antoci


Celebrating Women's History Month with Witches in Fantasy Books

Hey there, fellow book lovers! Did you know March is the month of Women's History? I didn’t know that until yesterday. Even though March is almost over, I was thinking about ways to celebrate this important time and I couldn't help but turn my attention to one of my favorite characters in fantasy books: witches!

The Versatility of Witches in Fantasy Literature

Witches have been a popular fixture in literature for centuries, and they continue to capture readers’ imaginations to this day. From the mysterious and malevolent witches of Shakespeare’s plays to the plucky and powerful witches of modern fantasy novels, there is something endlessly fascinating about these magical women.

One of the reasons that witches have endured as literary figures is their versatility. They can be villains or heroes, old crones or young maidens, and their powers can range from the terrifying to the whimsical. This flexibility allows writers to use witches to explore a wide range of themes and ideas.

Modern Depictions of Witches in Literature

In modern literature, witches have continued to be popular characters. In the Harry Potter series, J. K. Rowling created a entire world of witches and wizards, each with their own unique magical abilities. The witches in these books are powerful and skilled, but they are also flawed and human, making them relatable and compelling characters.

Similarly, in books like “Akata Witch” by Nnedi Okorafor and “The Witch’s Daughter” by Paula Brackston, witches are depicted as complex and multifaceted individuals with their own struggles and desires. These books explore themes like identity, power, and the relationship between magic and the natural world.

Witches as Symbols of Female Empowerment

Witches have been an integral part of fantasy literature for centuries, and they have always been a symbol of female power and empowerment. And guess what? Witches are having a major resurgence in popular culture, and I'm here for it! So, let's dive into the magical world of witches in fantasy books and see what all the fuss is about.

For example, in Shakespeare’s “Macbeth,” the three witches play a pivotal role in the story’s exploration of fate, free will, and the corrupting influence of power. Meanwhile, in Roald Dahl’s “The Witches,” witches are depicted as grotesque and malevolent beings who must be defeated by a plucky young protagonist. In both cases, the witches serve as a powerful symbol of the mysterious and unpredictable forces that shape our lives.

The Dark History of Witch Persecution

Of course, witches are not always portrayed in a positive light. In some stories, they are depicted as evil, manipulative, and dangerous, using their powers to harm others. This negative portrayal can be traced back to the witch hunts and trials that took place in Europe and America in the 16th and 17th centuries, which led to the persecution and execution of countless people (mostly women) who were accused of practicing witchcraft.

Despite this dark history, witches continue to captivate readers, offering a window into a world of magic and mystery that is both thrilling and terrifying. Whether they are good or evil, old or young, traditional or modern, witches remain a rich and endlessly fascinating subject for writers and readers alike. So, the next time you pick up a book about witches, remember that you are joining a long and rich literary tradition that stretches back centuries.

Must-Read Books About Witches in Literature

If you're looking to explore the world of witches in literature, there are many great books to choose from. Here are just a few of my favorite must-reads:

"A Discovery of Witches" is a novel by Deborah Harkness that tells the story of Diana Bishop, a scholar and historian who happens to be a witch. Diana has always tried to deny her magical abilities, but when she discovers a mysterious manuscript in Oxford's Bodleian Library, she is forced to confront her powers and the world of magic that she has been trying to avoid. Along the way, she meets a handsome vampire named Matthew Clairmont, and together they embark on a dangerous journey to uncover the secrets of the manuscript and protect it from those who would use it for nefarious purposes. "A Discovery of Witches" is the first book in the "All Souls Trilogy" and has been praised for its richly imagined world and its compelling characters.

Title: A Discovery of Witches
Author: Deborah Harkness
Released: 08.02.2011
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4.01 (read)
Our review: No review yet

"Slouch Witch" is a paranormal fantasy novel by Helen Harper that follows the story of Ivy Wilde, a witch who prefers to avoid using her magical powers whenever possible. Ivy lives a laid-back life as a slacker and tries to avoid any form of responsibility, but when she's roped into investigating a series of mysterious disappearances in the town of Harborsmouth, she's forced to take her duties seriously. Along the way, she teams up with Raphael Winter, a prickly and mysterious investigator who is determined to get to the bottom of the case. Together, they uncover a web of dark magic and danger that threatens the entire town. "Slouch Witch" is a fun and lighthearted novel that has been praised for its witty writing, engaging characters, and creative world-building.

Title: Slouch Witch
Author: Helen Harper
Released: 08.06.2017
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4.07 (read)
Our review: No review yet

"Winter of the Witch" is the final book in the "Winternight Trilogy" by Katherine Arden, a historical fantasy series set in medieval Russia. The story picks up after the events of the second book, with protagonist Vasya Petrovna struggling to navigate the magical world she has become embroiled in. With the forces of evil gathering strength and threatening to destroy everything Vasya holds dear, she must rally her allies and use her own powers to save her family and her country from destruction. Along the way, she faces numerous challenges, including navigating treacherous political waters, battling supernatural foes, and coming to terms with her own identity and place in the world. "Winter of the Witch" is a stunning and immersive novel that has been praised for its vivid prose, richly imagined world-building, and complex, multi-dimensional characters.

Title: The Winter of the Witch
Author: Katherine Arden
Released: 08.01.2019
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4.50 (read)
Our review: No review yet

"Dead Witch on a Bridge" by Gretchen Galway is set in the town of Silverpool and follows the story of Alma Belrose, a witch who sells magic-infused jewelry and tries to live a drama-free life. When her ex-boyfriend Tristan is found dead on a bridge, Alma becomes a prime suspect and must clear her name by uncovering the true killer. As she delves deeper into the investigation, she uncovers a web of lies and secrets that threaten not only her own safety but the safety of the entire town. In order to defend herself and protect the hidden power in Silverpool from a surge of supernatural threats, she must find the murderer. "Dead Witch on a Bridge" has been praised for its engaging characters, clever plot twists, and atmospheric setting.

Title: Dead Witch on a Bridge
Author: Gretchen Galway
Released: 15.01.2019
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4.27 (read)
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5.00 (read)

"The Witching Hour" is a novel by Anne Rice, first published in 1990. It is the first book in "The Mayfair Witches" series and tells the story of the powerful and wealthy Mayfair family, who have been haunted by a dark force for generations. The novel explores themes of witchcraft, family secrets, and the supernatural, and is known for its intricate plot, vividly drawn characters, and lush descriptions of New Orleans, where the story is set. The Witching Hour is a gripping and atmospheric tale that has captivated readers for decades.

Title: The Witching Hour
Author: Anne Rice
Released: 31.10.2004
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4.10 (read)
Our review: No review yet


To sum up, witches have enthralled readers for centuries and still enthrall them today. They represent both the light and the dark, the powerful and the oppressed, and the mystical and the real. Whether you are a fan of classic literature or contemporary fiction, there are countless stories featuring witches waiting to be explored. Through reading about these fascinating characters, we can gain a deeper understanding of ourselves and the world around us, while also experiencing the thrill of magic and the supernatural. So pick up a book, light some candles, and delve into the mysterious and alluring world of witches in literature.

