Erika McCorkle

Photo of author: Erika McCorkle Erika McCorkle, she/her, resides in the picturesque landscapes of the Pacific Northwest in the USA. As a passionate creator of fantasy realms and an avid explorer of worlds crafted by others, Erika immerses herself in the enchanting realms of literature, anime, and video games. With a penchant for the fantastical, she devotes much of her free time to writing, reading, and delving into immersive virtual adventures. In addition to her creative pursuits, Erika holds a Bachelor’s of Science in Biology and currently works the night shift at a blood bank—a role that humorously aligns with her nocturnal inclinations, playfully suggesting her kinship with vampires.

Books written by Erika McCorkle

Title: Merchants of Light and Bone
Released: 08.08.2023
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