Briar Boleyn

Photo of author: Briar Boleyn Briar Boleyn, the enchanting persona behind the fantasy romance novels, is the pseudonym of the esteemed USA TODAY bestselling author Fenna Edgewood. Within her literary realm, Briar presides over a kingdom populated by feral wildling children, ruling alongside a mysterious dark fae prince as her consort. Beyond the realms of her vivid imagination, Briar indulges in various pastimes, including immersing herself in RPG video games, delighting in the presence of feathered visitors at her bird feeder while imagining herself as Snow White, and getting lost in the pages of enthralling books. Her penchant for stories brimming with peril, magic, and true love resonates deeply within her, guiding her own narratives to captivate readers' hearts.

Books written by Briar Boleyn

Title: Queen of Roses
Released: 15.04.2023
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